Basic Math Examples

Convert to a Simplified Fraction 0.66(2/3)
Step 1
Multiply .
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Step 1.1
Combine and .
Step 1.2
Multiply by .
Step 2
Divide by .
Step 3
Convert the decimal number to a fraction by placing the decimal number over a power of ten. Since there are numbers to the right of the decimal point, place the decimal number over . Next, add the whole number to the left of the decimal.
Step 4
Reduce the fraction.
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Step 4.1
Convert to an improper fraction.
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Step 4.1.1
A mixed number is an addition of its whole and fractional parts.
Step 4.1.2
Add and .
Step 4.2
Cancel the common factor of and .
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Step 4.2.1
Factor out of .
Step 4.2.2
Cancel the common factors.
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Factor out of .
Cancel the common factor.
Rewrite the expression.